Hello again!
Yes, I disappeared. I am sorry about that, but as I said the holidays would take over and then....well....I am back now.
First of all, some follow ups to old posts (does that sound better than just saying Old News?). I did indeed finish those toddler chairs for my daughter's daycare. I delivered them Jan 1st and I am quite happy that project is done. The kids are happy at the preschool/daycare as well. I still have them stop me and thank me periodically for the tables or chairs. Such sweet little 4-6 year-olds. They are not told to thank me, and yet they do. A great compliment given how brutally honest they can be sometimes. :-) So that is one more project off my board.

And now for some New News. I did some deep thinking over the holidays and New Year's. I first decided that I was ready to take control of my "side business" and actually make something of it. I got a Facebook page set up for Tabitha's Workbench. Almost the very next day I had an order from someone recommended to my page from a friend's daughter. She wanted an art table and toddler chair. Then another order from my friend for her grandson for an art table and toddler chair. It was exciting and awesome the power of putting myself out there. At the same time I got 2 orders for signs so that is on my plate as well.
Everything has been put off until after the weekend of the 7-8th. We went to the beach with friends and relaxed and had a great time. While there we discussed this new direction for me and my business. It became clear that having people come to me with orders was stressful. I mean, I love getting orders, but I also get stressed having orders out there. If I get sick, or it is freezing cold, or I just feel like doing nothing one night (I know, that NEVER happens, but it could some day) then I feel guilty. I talked it out with our friends and we talked about their friend's custom woodworking business. He is also feeling the pressure. In the end, I guess I came to the conclusion that I needed to be ahead of the game. Either I have a bunch of things built and available to sell, or I build whatever I want and then put that out there for sale or not depending on how I feel.
I did get the first art table built and toddler chair built. I have the second one cut out, but not assembled yet. I am going to cut a square out of the back center and drop in a plastic tub for crayons etc into the table and she wants it painted white. This is as far as I got before a massive migraine waylaid me for the last 3 days.

In this whirlwind of directions and options, leave it to me to also decide I just HAVE to remodel my bathroom. The fact is I have a SUPER small bathroom where it is hard to have 2 people standing there at once. The bathroom door opens and hits the toilet which is SO lovely with kids who barrel in there (because there is no such thing as privacy to a 3 year old). I can't tell you how many times we have to catch the door before it either knocks us in the knees or the door handle hits us as it is flung open. I want a pocket door! We only have a shower and no bath. Just a single sink with a decent sized vanity. On the flip side, the kids have a full tub/shower unit, a 100 inch wide vanity with double sink, a HUGE linen closet. ...... Really?.....How is that fair that the "Master" bathroom has to be so tiny? On the other side of the wall behind our vanity is the washer and dryer with their access from the hallway. Let's not even think about how much time THIS is going to take away from woodworking orders. I will make it work somehow.
Here are the blueprints which give you some idea of the layout of the two rooms. My tiny bathroom on the left and the kid's bathroom/guest bathroom is on the right.
So, I want that washer and dryer space for myself. Selfish....yes...but I REALLY want to have a nice deep soaker tub at some point to relax in on random evenings. The problem is we have to put the washer and dryer SOMEWHERE. The answer is of course to take away space from the kid's bathroom before they really understand what I am taking. As teenagers they may wish for more space, but I can't let that stop me or I will never get a decent bathtub!
Our dear friends have worked together to build an addition on their house and he used to be a contractor so he knows how to do a lot of this. I know how to do framing and flooring (even sub floors), and he also knows plumbing and dry-walling. He has a buddy who can do the electrical for a decent price. I might even be able to do this without going into debt. I just have to do 99.99% of the work myself (With professional guidance and permits/inspections of course). Totally do-able, right? haha, we shall see. Below is my idea of one possible way for this to work. I did forget to mark that I will have a pocket door instead of the existing door to the bathroom though. There will be a door to the bathroom on the right as well. I just haven't drawn it in yet. Not to mention we are now leaning toward a soaking tub and not a jetted tub.

Or this may be just another dream that I can't quite save up the money for. I will have to do some serious selling of furniture items at a true profit in order to save up for this. At least I have my husband on board as well as our friend's promise to come and help with every step of the way. Sigh, a girl can dream right?
Oh, and did I mention at my regular work we are going into year-end and the management team has decided to utilize me on 3-4 new massive projects that while fun, we keep me massively busy and stressed at work? Yeah....what is the test for crazy in situations like this?