As if I didn't already have enough going on, this has been the worst week ever. One week ago today, we thought my daughter was a little warm. Then we noticed a big old rash. Massive rash from head to toe. Called the doctor about the fever etc. They thought it was just a fever and no big deal about the rash (probably a fever rash). Split the day with my husband to be home with her and I just didn't buy that the rash was no big deal. Called them back and got an appointment for Tuesday. Finally they saw her and did a throat swab. Turns out it was Scarlett fever. So another day or so of splitting days off and dealing with the consequences at work.
She was finally able to go back to daycare on Thursday. I wasn't feeling super great, but hey, no biggie right. WRONG. On Friday I had to work with a fever and a sore throat because I was so behind. By the time I got home I felt like crub! I went to bed at 6pm and other than an hour or so on Saturday, I was in bed from that point until this morning when I felt slightly better.
Add on top of this a MAJOR change/overhaul to my job that I missed the meeting on because I was home with my daughter.
So how could I possibly get anything done on the bookshelves? The answer is I couldn't. Nothing. The thing has been sitting there done. Shelves stained, shellac-ed and ready to assemble. Except between life, life, and more life, I have not been able to get back there. As it is, I spent all of today working from home trying to play catchup for last week and get ahead enough that I don't die this week. Given I still don't feel so great, I can only imagine my work output will be less this week and everything has to be done by Friday....Stress much???
Oh yeah, and in case I forgot to mention, I have to miss most of Thursday of this week to bring my daughter in for an EEG due to not being able to wake her a few weeks ago where they think she had some kind of seizure.
Has anyone seen my sanity?