Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Big Question

One thing about this crubby market is that you can't always get your money back out of it. This is the problem I am facing. I want so badly to finish refreshing each room in this house. As it stands now, if we had to sell today, we would be lucky to break even. All the money and repairs, the new floor, trim etc....all for no return. If we were to hold onto this house for years until the market rebounds then all these improvements will help us sell for a good price.

BUT, this assumes we keep the house for that long. We always thought we would. But I have been looking for a job for a LONG time. I am employed, but I have been trying to find a job closer to home. I don't want to keep commuting so long each day and being away from the kids so much as I spend so much time on the road. We have been thinking about moving. Movings to another area where I might have more of an opprotunity for a better job.

You would think as an accountant, this wouldn't be an issue. The only problem is I live in a state capital. Thus we have mostly state jobs. I don't want a state job because I would have to start back at a low wage.

So what do I do? Do I continue to refresh each room knowing we may not get ANY of it out of  it if we chose to move in the next month or so? Do we replace the pipes? They need replaces since they are made of galvinized steel and rusting. If we are going to move, I am not going to spend 5K on repairs to get nothing back.

I know there is no real answer to this question. But it still bothers me and has slowed down my enthusiasm for this whole house project. I wish there was an easy answer. I wish the housing market was better. I wish I could find a job I liked more. I guess while we are wishing for miracles, how about I wish to win the lottery too so I can fund all this..

I know its taking me awhile, but here is a preview of the bench. Its been a crazy couple weeks as my son turned 5 years old so I haven't really had time to finish it. Here is the general idea of where I am going with this.

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