Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hello and Welcome

2 Years ago my husband and I bought this house together. Its a big beautiful house, BUT its very outdated. Not so much structurally (unless we count the poor old pipes that we neeed to replace), but the interior selections of color and woodwork. We love the house and we want this to be our "forever" house. Or at least a "super long time house" anyway.

So begins this journey. After 2 years and the birth our little girl, I have decided to update our home one room at a time. I do have a standing hobby of woodworking that will help me if I need to build something for any of the rooms. Its hard work, but I do enjoy the work. I have already completed the first room and am about to begin the second room.

Hopefully I will get a few followers on here that can help me pick colors and finishes along the way. For now, I must sleep, but perhaps tomorrow I can find the time to give a little review of our new playroom and our thoughts about project 2 which is the dining room and kitchen.

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