Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another Little Project

I know I said we are doing one room at a time, but we are at an empass. There is more I can do for my son's room, but that would involve getting rid of some furniture. THAT, is a monumental task. We have TOO much furniture. Really, we do. But evertime we think about getting rid of some of the furniture, it turns into a battle. Was that your mom's? It's too nice to sell! Arg, but we don't USE it!

Back and forth the battle reigns. We agree to sell, but not how to sell the stuff or for how much. Or we can't sell it because its from childhood. In my never ending quest to rid my house of half the STUFF, I will keep fighting this battle. One way I am doing this is to build furniture that I KNOW my husband will like and that will replace some furniture I have wanted to get rid of for awhile.

Which brings up to a NOT so little project. I am going to build a large wall unit for the livingroom. Right now we have an entertainment unit that was not really made for the size of our TV. We have an old school huge tv. Granted its not that old, but nowaday with those fancy flat screen TVs out there, it makes our old school. Anyway, I digress. The issue is our entertainment center is bending under the weight. Then we also have my old panty I build a long time ago. That is holding some of our board games. They both serve a purpose, but they don't match and because we have crub sitting on top of them, something has to be done.

Once again I go to my favorite blog by Anna, and I got her plans for the entertainment center unit. I will have to adjust the size down since I have a smaller TV and not quite that wide of a wall, but it should look splended afterwards!

Added bonus while shopping for the plywood I found Oak Plywood for only 50 cents more a sheet than the Birch Plywood I normally get for this kind of thing. With my red oak stain, it should look really pretty when I am done. I have to do it in pieces since I don't have enough money to buy all the wood at once. but little by little it will take shape and hopefully have enough storage to take the place of our existing entertainment center and pantry.

Wish me luck!

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