Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Base

I have begun the base for the wall unit. So far its gone okay. I do need to hit the Big Blue, but for tonight I shall rest and relax. Thanks to summer warmth and lots of sunshine I accidentily worked on the center part of the base until midnight last night.

There is still a LOT left to do on it, but I do like the start of it. :-)


Unknown said...

Can you fly out to SD and make me some wine racks...purrrty please??

Sawdustmomma said...

Ooooh, wine racks are so pretty and I have always wanted to build one. Since I don't drink wine and my husband doesn't anymore either, there was no need. I really need to make it to San Diego some day. I haven't seen my brothers or my sister in forever! Plus I could bring down a nice wine rack for you too. And get to see the amazing Indigo too!