Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stain, Stain, Everywhere Stain

I have all the bookshelves stained....on one side. I spent Monday prepping it all, and Tuesday night I spent 2 hours staining the first side of everything. I got done around 11 pm. That is a LOT of staining.

Wednesday night, I did nothing (but got dishes and other chores done) which is okay as long as you are trying to find a balance in your life. Then came tonight. I stained the other side of nearly all the boards.......until I ran out of stain.

Stain, stain, everywhere there is stain!!!! Except in the can where I need some to finish the shelves. Guess I know what I am doing at lunch tomorrow! This working each night is really hard, but I am accomplishing a lot more than I would over a few weekends put together at the rate things have been going.

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