Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 2 of Castle Building

Day 2

I woke up SOOOO sore. Much as I expected, but it really slowed me down. I accidentally fell back asleep once my husband too the kids downstairs around 7am and (they are always up and in our room by 6:15 AM) didn't wake up until 9!! Eeeks.

I don't remember what happened to the morning. All I know is that the moment I was able to get outside and begin things it was just about noon. So it wasn't long before I had to get lunch done and run to the store for necessities like bread and milk. So many excused I know, but even when I was out there, I was going slow because of how sore I was.

I did manage to build 3 of the six walls. The front, the right side wall and the back wall are built. In the pictures it is going to look really odd because the back wall didn't have the top piece on there yet which means the studs were all wacky and unattached. The problem was that was as far as I got before the rain started. I was so close to being done with that last bit of the wall, but I wasn't about to let my tools get wet either! I also forgot to go back and add the top piece for the door. It just needs a little more work and I will get it there.

So just ignore the back wall all together. The crooked support piece is still up there too. It going to look MUCH better in a day or so when I can put it all back up and encase with the siding. I detached all the walls and put them in the garage because they are built with 2x4s and not treated in any way so they can't be rained on. Sadly we will have more rain for a few days. UG!

My 6 year old checking out the window height for that wall.

 The front with the half wall for the "courtyard" and the door almost all the way framed in.

This is going to be SOOOO cool!

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