Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Next Project

So I was on my favorite website, and someone had posted asking for plans for this castle playhouse. Its from this website, and its so awesome!

Check it out!
As FABULOUS as it is, I can't afford the $7,000 price tag. I had been thinking about building Anna's playhouse from her website, but when I saw this, I just knew I had to try and build it. So I started to draw up plans and see if I could create something that looks like this.

I have most all the plans drawn up except the inside of the tower. While I get that there are levels inside, I can't find information on how many etc. I want the inside to stay dry so I don't know how they prevent rain etc from getting in what appears to be an open tower. So that is stumping me so far, but I am fairly sure I have the "great room" part drawn up the way I want. I also changed it from an 8ft by 6ft playhouse into an 8ft by 8ft just to give it a little more room.

I asked my dear friend Robert to come over and help me with the base. He build his shed using the same cement footer things (yup technical jargon here) and after begging (okay just asking and he said yes, but I was willing to beg) he agree to help me.

This morning he came over and we got to work. Here is everything we accomplished in Day 1. I am sore in any number of places and I am eternally greatful for Robert's help. I couldn't have done it without him.

Tomorrow I hope to build a few of the walls in the garage and set them aside for when I can set it all up. With the rain coming back next week, I need to get everything ready to build at once and get a roof on it before the next rain. So hopefully I can get the walls build soon because I want to see it start taking shape. :-)

Stay tuned for more!

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